infoMátrix Zrt.

For social homes, retirement homes

The infoMátrix® General Company Management and infoMátrix.medical system supplemented by the infoMátrix® Social module provides a unified solution for social institutions and other businesses dealing with residential care for the elderly in the IT field.

Important extension to

In the field of social care:

  • residential registry
  • apartment register
  • supporting the process of becoming a resident, with marketing
  • storage of pre-care data
  • fee calculation
  • fee registration card
  • special queries, statistics
  • registration of contracts
  • monthly bulk and ad hoc invoicing
  • invoicing other services

In the health field:

  • medication, medicine box
  • preparation and management of orders
  • support for drug procurement
  • drug billing taking into account discounts and subsidies
  • registration and documentation of treatments


The Accountancy module of infoMátrix® provides up-to-date accounting processes and data retrieval options with simple, ledger number-based accounting and automatic accounting procedures. It fully fulfills the functions that comply with the legal obligations and, at the same time, ensures the management information data service that meets the needs of the given entrepreneur.

The accounting of traffic data is based on the data of the Financial module of infoMátrix®, built-in automations and checks ensure the consistency between the two modules. Most of the data recorded in the financial area (outgoing invoices, incoming invoices, bank, treasury) can be booked with automatic procedures using the detailed ledger-based parameterization system of business processes. All subsystems supporting business processes and the Financial module itself provide a variety of options for this.

In addition to accounting, farmers can create and use any code system that suits their own needs as a supplement to their accounting entries. The logic, format, and possible connection of the ledger application of each additional code to a code of another subsystem can be set.

Functions designed for the controlled reception of ledger submissions ensure that data can be easily received even from foreign systems.

In addition to the classic ledger lists (excerpt, cardboard), cost and calculation, matrix queries ensure the quick extraction of the necessary data for all managers and analysts. The results of all queries can be stored and further processed in different formats (printing, xls-, dbf-, txt export.). Each account of the ledger chart of accounts can be organized into collections, so lists that are more consolidated than the general ledger extract and can be easily interpreted even without accounting knowledge can be created.

With functions that support the quick retrieval of accounting items, even filtering by amount, individual receipts can be easily found, the place of origin of the data and the accounting process can be tracked. The necessary repairs can be made if you have the right permissions. A period can be closed at any time, ensuring the reproducibility of the submitted and evaluated data. Statements can be defined based on the data of the general ledger extract. Each user can easily create their different mandatory and internal tables (balance sheet, profit and loss, cost statements, post-calculation analysis tables) adapted to their unique environment. A frequent request is to create tables in a foreign language (in the presence of foreign ownership) with content different from the Hungarian reporting obligations. With the help of the aforementioned functionality, all such tasks can be solved quickly, and changes can be transferred easily.

In addition to the actual data, special accounting logs can be defined to store plan and base data, the data retrieval functions enable their comparison.

Farmers who also use account class 6 and 7 can perform their cost allocation tasks with the help of the Accountancy module. The process of cost allocation can be easily structured, several built-in algorithms help to specify and calculate the % allocation rates. The documents generated as a result of the division are stored in separate accounting journals, and the data retrieval functions can be used to control whether we want to view the results together with or without them.

Finance, invoicing module (invoices, petty cash, banks, current accounts, VAT analysis)

The Finance module of infoMátrix® covers classic financial functions.

Any number and format of outgoing invoices with a logo can be created in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Finance Decree. It is capable of foreign currency invoicing, in any currency, with exchange rate records, or even by printing an invoice in a foreign language. One of the new features of our system is the option of issuing and receiving electronic invoices. In the case of incoming invoices, the system provides support for electronic invoice verification.

infoMátrix® also manages bank receipts and petty cash, keeping records based on forints and foreign currencies. For bank processing, a two-way connection can be used with the Internet or "office banking" applications, sending the item packages to be transferred and importing bank statements. In addition to these, due to the peculiarity of the integrated system, the so-called implements the connection with the professional subsystems (tourism, healthcare, service, warehouse, motor vehicle trade, etc.) through proforma invoices. Financial receipts appear in the general ledger immediately as unbooked items, thus ensuring a fast flow of data in the system.

In finance, documents are registered on the basis of a registration book (registration number). Partner current account correction can also be achieved using them between transfers. Additional functions of the module are the parts that prepare the VAT return and precisely handle delayed administration.

A function group specially designed for the controlling area is reconciliation management. Each conciliator can be understood as a product group or service or project for which the system collects costs and sales revenues. It provides the economic manager with up-to-date information on the development of expected costs and revenues, creating a basis for corporate controlling. Based on the income and expenses, the system also calculates the margin, ensuring that the profit can also be demonstrated at elementary levels.

Financial lists are of prime importance in the program. They are available in endless variations to facilitate control and provide management with a comprehensive, transparent picture of the financial situation. In addition, the lists can be saved in a spreadsheet program in order to provide basic data for even broader analysis.

Tangible asset

The Tangible asset module of infoMátrix® provides analytical records related to fixed assets, with many convenient, automatic functions. It also handles the settlement of high-value, low-value and long-term investments. The change in the value of the assets is realized based on the rights system expanded by the user, such as activation, calculation of depreciation according to plan, scrapping, sale of tangible assets, etc. When adding a fixed asset, the program performs the activation, and in the case of a low-value fixed asset, the depreciation calculation. Based on the ledger numbers and account information assigned to the legal titles, he prepares the ledger shipment.

The fact that the module works with tangible asset types and cost centers provides a structured record of tangible assets, which results in fast data recording, automatic depreciation calculation, and the preparation of precise ledger posting. The system calculates the depreciation with daily accuracy, based on the description key specified in the master data. The Tangible Assets module of infoMátrix® records and manages the residual value, changes in value according to the Accounting and Tax Act, and accessories related to fixed assets in a manner prescribed by law. In its lists, you can find the list of Tangible assets, broken down by low and high value, by cost center, and by residual value. It also prints the tangible asset card, ledger posting in abstract and detailed breakdowns.

Document manager

The document management module enables the electronic storage, organization, labeling and retrieval of incoming documents and those created during the procedure. The documents can be linked to the administrative data stored in the system with the help of links, which greatly improves the efficiency of administration. Access to documents can be limited to different groups of operators, the activity with documents can be logged.

The storage of documents is format neutral: any data that exists in the form of a file can be stored. This can be, for example, an electronic mail, its attachment, text, table, image, sound, drawing. Results of scanners, camera content, voice recorder recording - all manageable data. The file manager receives the file and uploads it to the database. There is no need to save the file in the original location, because it is already downloaded from the database when viewing. You entrust the display of the downloaded file to the given machine: a program capable of displaying the format in question must be installed on it.

Documents can be typed to control access and the recording of additional data. This type of document can be, for example, a supplier's invoice, service provider contract, fire protection protocol, legal documents, customer complaints, etc.

Operator groups can be linked to document types to control access. Only members of the specified group can create, view, modify and delete certain types of documents. Other operators are not even aware of the document's existence.

Labels can be assigned to document types. These tags can be used to record additional (meta) data about documents. When retrieving documents, filtering can also be based on tags.

The label can also be a reference. In this case, the stored document can be linked directly to other data and documents stored in the system, such as a partner, invoice, contract, worksheet, repaired device. Storing documents can consume a lot of space in the database. The module can therefore be operated in a split way. In this case, the content of the documents can be stored on a different cost-effective device separate from the infoMátrix database.

Marketing & CRM

The infoMátrix® Marketing and customer relationship (CRM) registration module can be used to record every single contact with the customer, their method, date, and subject. Future customers - about whom we hardly know anything yet - and our already known, old customers can be handled separately.

Accumulated data can be retrieved in many ways, missing or neglected customers can be detected. In order to make an accurate assessment of our known customers from a marketing point of view, the module collects the traffic data accumulated in the other modules of infoMátrix® and presents an easily comprehensible picture of the customer in question to the operator. Marketers can freely expand the range of data kept about the partner according to their own criteria, and they can classify this data into categories.

Partners can be organized into target groups. The data call-up lists of the general and sector-specific modules of the infoMátrix® (e.g. warehouse, trade, finance, etc.) can be used to create the target groups. The list of partners included in the results of the data retrieval can be transferred to the Marketing module, where a target group can be formed from it, and a new target group can be formed by logically combining (and/or/excluding) the membership of several target groups. With this method, marketers can find answers to their questions that change every day and can save the target group formed based on their decisions for later use. You can send an e-mail or text message to the members of the target group, or you can edit an address list for postal correspondence.

Task manager

All of the company's employees participate in the maintenance of customer relations with their own well-done work. However, in many cases, the customer's problem is not solved by the person who contacted him, but by one or more colleagues. In order to ensure a smooth flow of information within the company, the tasks created in this way can be recorded in the infoMátrix® and issued to the employee assigned for execution, who can document the completion of the task. This task manager is not only suitable for managing tasks triggered by the client, but also for managing all tasks within the company. After the marketing module has been put into operation, the task manager appears in every infoMátrix® module so that employees working in individual areas can access it immediately and easily.

The tasks can be classified into types, the tasks of each type (e.g. DM letter campaign) can be retrieved. By setting the status of the tasks, the current status of each task can be monitored. Different dates can be attached to the task, such as task start date, deadline, task end date. The person responsible for the task can be recorded. The operator can issue a task to himself and it is also possible to transfer the task between operators. Text instructions, descriptions and sub-tasks can be recorded for the task. A significant part of the documents created in the active modules of infoMátrix® can be linked to the task as a reference. If a task is assigned, the administrator designated as responsible will be notified of the unaccepted task. Through the task manager, managers can send messages to other managers or to a group of managers.

By using the module, the shortcomings of traditional communication channels (words, messages, e-mails) can be eliminated, and forgotten and neglected tasks, whether internal or customer-related, will be fewer and discoverable.

Contract register

The infoMátrix® contract registration module is suitable for the registration of the contracts concluded with the customers of the given company, in connection with which it is necessary to prepare outgoing invoices periodically, with permanent or performance-dependent invoice items.

Any number of categorized contract types can be created, which can be used to describe the invoicing properties, format, time schedules and participants and stakeholders of the customer contracts of the given company. In connection with a contract, several partners may be involved in invoicing (e.g. cost sharing), the items may arise regularly or be performance-based. The items to be invoiced based on performance can come from other modules of infoMátrix® or even from external sources by importing data. The fee items are based on infoMátrix®'s own list of services, so outbound invoices that are fully prepared for accounting are created. The infoMátrix® contract registration module is also suitable for registering planned contracts or price offers that have not yet been concluded. You can start the functions for importing the fulfillments, generate the regular due dates, and based on these, the proforma invoices or even the final outgoing invoices can be automatically prepared. Based on the categorization of contracts, infoMátrix® is able to transfer the proforma invoices created on the basis of contracts to another infoMátrix® system or even to another invoicing program. The infoMá contract registration module is capable of receiving consumption-based data (medicine, food, energy, telephone, etc.) in addition to recording monthly reimbursement fees and charging them to the monthly invoice. By submitting correction items, it takes into account the deductions caused by various absences and meal cancellations. The management of several actors enables the issuing of invoices to the dependent as well as the dependent.

Technical department

infoMátrix® supports the three main activities of the technical department: - Registration of external maintenance works - Registration of internal maintenance works - Registration of other technical invoices As the module is part of an integrated system, it uses the same partner codes as the financial module and the same cost center codes , like the stock register module. In addition, the confirmation of incoming invoices sent to the technical department can also be solved in this system.

Register of external maintenance works

Institutions regularly maintain buildings and high-value equipment. The cost of maintenance can be distributed between cost centers (departments). This work is supported by the technical module in such a way that it fits organically into the administration system for verifying invoices. This means that the technical department can enter the technical content of the invoice (even when the performance is verified), and this can be reconciled with the incoming invoice recorded in finance during the verification of the invoice. Since technical invoices can be categorized, costs can also be collected according to the aspects of the technical department. Example of categorization: - Real estate maintenance - Real estate renovation - Machine maintenance - Investment - Garbage removal, chimney sweeping - Cleaning, extermination

Internal maintenance work register

If the institution has a maintenance department, infoMátrix® can greatly support the organization and presentation of their work. You must enter your personal data, the professions (eg: electrician, carpenter, painter) and the code of the workers. It is possible for the maintenance needs that have arisen in the departments to be submitted electronically to the technical department head (e.g. window handle repair), who will confirm this accordingly, taking into account the capacity of the employees. Of course, it is also possible to indicate a material requirement for the work order, so the administrative process changes slightly. Work orders can be queried by status (Included, Accepted, Confirmed, Completed, Rejected), and can even be filtered by cost center, period, manager, and entered text. Although it is not mandatory, for certain work orders it is also possible to specify a deadline, based on which backlogs can also be listed. Several jobs (including several job types) can be linked to one job order. It is also possible to link the material issue ticket of the stock register program to a job. Thus, the program also provides a statement of material consumption. Since the overhead allowance of the employees can also be specified per person, it is also possible to distribute the precisely estimated wage costs during the posting to the general ledger. Of course, simplified general ledger posting can also be set up, in which case the costs are divided in proportion to the working time spent.

Registration of other technical invoices 

The responsibility of the technical department also includes the registration of energy, water and waste water bills. Since the items of these accounts often have a hierarchical structure, this hierarchy also appears in the system. For example, on the electricity bill, the items of electricity consumption (daytime, nighttime, peak load, capacitive surcharge, inductive surcharge) are also displayed aggregated per location and per meter hour. For this, type codes must be added, which reflect the technical content of the invoices. Of course, different quantity units can be used for each type code, and the unit price can also be fixed. The registered data help in the correct distribution of costs and in decisions related to a possible change of service provider.

Material management module (goods, warehouse movements, stock value, inventory, order)

The infoMátrix® warehousing and material management module supports the user in carrying out stock registration and material management tasks. It provides the generally expected revenue, sales, order registration and inventory functions. The module manages several warehouses and it is possible to mark the location of the materials and components in the stock within the warehouse. When printing every receipt that modifies the stock, a receipt suitable for a quick stock check containing the location codes (shelf number) is created, creating the possibility of a continuous check. The slightest difference between the actual and the registered warehouse inventory is revealed very quickly. The inventory support functions guide the operator through the inventory process in detail. The module records stocks at a weighted average price. An important feature of the module is the possibility of subsequently modifying incorrectly recorded income receipts, which the module allows until the end of a period. After the corrective modification, the stock value and the purchase value of the sold goods (The infoMátrix® warehousing and material management module supports the user in performing stock registration and material management tasks. It provides the generally expected revenue, sales, order registration and inventory functions The module manages several warehouses and it is possible to mark the location of the materials and components in the stock within the warehouse. When printing each receipt that modifies the stock, a receipt suitable for quick inventory control containing location codes (shelf numbers) is created, creating the possibility of continuous tracking. The actual and registered warehouse the smallest deviation in the inventory is thus revealed very quickly. The inventory support functions guide the operator through the inventory process in detail. The module records the inventory at a weighted average price. An important ability to subsequently modify incorrectly recorded income receipts option, which the module allows until the end of a period. After the corrective change, it recalculates the inventory value and the cost of goods sold (CoGS). It supports the value reconciliation of receipts and vendor invoices in two ways. It is able to generate an unreceived incoming invoice from the receipt, which is part of the invoice verification process. In addition, it is possible to view the differences in the amounts of the warehouse receipts and the incoming invoices related to them in a list, and you can even initiate corrections from here. If the user performs this check before the monthly closing, the deviation of the inventory value that can be detected by the general ledger and obtained from warehouse analytics can be minimized on a monthly basis as well. One of the main strengths of the warehouse module is dynamic material management. Determining the minimum stock (safety stock and expected loss) is also possible manually, but it can also be calculated automatically. When generating the outgoing order, the program can take into account the confirmed incoming orders, the safety stock, the expected loss and the delivery conditions. Of course, when the goods arrive, it is connected to the outgoing order, so it also records the supplier's backlogs. When using the program, a wide variety of reports and statistics can be requested based on the data entered into the database. The turnover reports are suitable for informing the owner and showing the performance of the employees involved in commercial work. In addition to filtering out erroneously entered master data, the sorting of articles function is suitable for material management grouping of articles (good sales, winter sales, less sales, etc.) and even classifying them as unused. The monitoring of idle stocks has been given an important role because it significantly affects the efficiency of the commercial process. Depending on the brand representation, it may be necessary to establish some level of data connection with foreign systems. The following three cases occur most often:

  • Interpretation of the price list of a priority supplier (importer) (background file)
  • Transferring the outbound order to the preferred supplier's system
  • Interpretation of the invoice (delivery note) of a prominent supplier and generation of receipts based on this.

As in the other modules of infoMatrix®, we have placed a lot of emphasis on the wide range of rights that can be set. With the help of warehouse legal concepts, customized operations can be precisely set up, from very loose organizations (based on a relationship of trust) to companies with very strict management regulations.

Social care, nursing home

The Social module of infoMátrix® serves the residential and apartment register of residential social institutions and supports the documentation of the process of becoming a resident.

The module is organically connected to the infoMátrix® Marketing, Contract Registry, Finance, Warehouse, Technical, Catering, Document Management and Task Management modules, as well as to the Hospitaly medMátrix medical system and supports multi-site operation.

The maximum monthly reimbursement fees and the separate fee for dementia care can be specified for each location, which serve as the basis for calculating the monthly reimbursement fee.

In addition, it is also possible to manage the agreed monthly payment fee. Interested persons recorded in the Marketing module will be included in the list of persons managed by the social module after submitting the application. The program supports the documentation of the process of becoming a resident from the applicant status by managing pre-care activities.

With the apartment registration function of the module, individual apartment types and their changes can be managed flexibly, and it also provides an opportunity for accurate management of the residential register. Its close connection with the Contract registration module allows the program to calculate the monthly reimbursement fee for the residents who have moved in, taking into account the terms of the contract and the conditions defined in the law, taking into account the data received from the Catering module, as well as the different types of absences that are included in the module can be recorded.

Supports medication frame monitoring. Based on prescriptions written in the medMátrix medical system and triggered by the institution, as well as taking into account the resident's health contract and the medication limit defined therein, it calculates medication costs, which it transfers to the

Financial module during monthly invoicing. The bulk invoicing function of the Financial module can be started directly from the module for invoicing the residents' monthly reimbursement fee, medicine costs and any other monthly fee belonging to their contract (e.g. garage pass).

It supports the activities of the medicine room, the ordering, receipt and delivery of the products included in the prescriptions to the resident. The received medication is recorded on the prescription, so it can always be linked to the resident. In addition, it provides the opportunity to transfer the medicine that has become unnecessary (e.g. due to a change of therapy) to another patient and to document this.

Its close relationship with the medical system provides an opportunity to support cost-effective operation, since the medical system monitors the institutional base lists when prescribing the prescription and provides information to the prescribing physician, including more information about if the patient has an uncollected order for the drug that is currently being prescribed. in the medicine room.

The module can be used to prepare the mandatory reports for social institutions, resident's certificates, reimbursement fee master card. In addition, a number of queries and statistics are available to users.

Catering (Keeping)

The infoMátrix® Catering (Keeping) module supports the group catering process from menu creation to the release of raw materials from the warehouse.

The system can manage several sites. A maximum of one kitchen can be used per site, but one kitchen can serve several sites. In this case, the system also prepares a delivery note, which is used to transfer the prepared food from the kitchen to the serving kitchen.

Recipes can be given per portion, piece or 100 grams. The quantity of raw materials must be specified in the article body in the default quantity unit (eggs - db, sour cream - dl, hot dogs - couple), so you do not have to struggle with conversion.

Based on the nutrient values ​​that can be entered for the individual ingredients of the recipes, the program also calculates the nutritional value of the individual recipes. This helps the dietician in compiling the daily menu of different diets. In addition, allergen information can be recorded in the module for recipes, which also appear on the printed menu.

The user can design the menu not only in the infoMátrix® Catering (Keeping) module, it is also possible to import a menu designed using an external database (e.g. Nutricomp). Of course, the program also takes over the ingredients and recipes recorded in it. This means that infoMátrix® uses the article number system of the external database in the master data of both raw materials and ready meals (recipes). The menu can be printed in several ways, and can even be specially set according to the institution's needs.

Food orders can be recorded on a PC and tablet, as an interface has been created to receive the data. You can request a pre-packaged meal list even before placing your order. This is useful because it helps a lot when putting together certain raw material orders. When the food orders become final, you can print the cooking sheet. This includes the amount of prepared meals and raw materials per meal. The daily summary of raw materials is also displayed on the hob form. Since it is possible that the food order changes after the cooking plate is printed (cancellation, new guest, etc.), it is also possible to version the cooking plates.

InfoMátrix® supports the warehouse release of the raw materials required for the hob by filling in the warehouse release receipt (article number, quantity), which the operator can change if necessary. Of course, only raw materials in stock can be issued, negative stock is not allowed in the warehouse module. If the food orders change after the raw material has been released, infoMátrix® can also support the release of the surplus. This is possible due to the versioning of the hob.

The printing of the serving plate can be requested for the fed groups (supplied, employees, guests) separately or combined. The dining table can be requested per serving group (table row) and per turn. The serving board for dining rooms in the room can also be requested with an aggregate per building and per floor. Of course, when printing each serving plate, it is also possible to combine several meals.

Institutional pharmacy

We developed the system together with SK Pont Ltd., and with the help of their colleagues, we transferred the business logic of the widely used "Gyurika" system to our HospiPharma system on modern IT bases. The HospiPharma system is embedded in our Hospitaly Integrated Health Institution System and is marketed by our company. (The product can be purchased as a stand-alone module from SK Pont Ltd. under the name "Gyurika".) The system meets the pharmaceutical, management and financial requirements for institutional pharmacies. It fully supports the inventory management and purchasing processes and manages the inventory in the inventory types typical of the procurement forms. Orders sent to wholesalers and delivery notes and invoices returned from them can also be received electronically. The registration and follow-up of supplier contracts and tenders ensures the control of the fulfillment of the contracts and the up-to-date information of the management. The system marks the products included in the basic list of hospital medicines separately, and primarily offers them in the purchasing or on the usage side. By following the use of the departments and providing information, it supports the departments in fulfilling the framework management requirements. Orders and services between the institute pharmacy and departments are done online. The program can be customized according to the type of organization operating the pharmacy, so it can also operate in accordance with the accounting system of local governments or private service providers. A high degree of security is provided by the possibility of identifying and tracking the dispensed medicine according to its expiration date and serial number from the time it is taken to the pharmacy until it is administered to the patient. The integrated drug information and expert system provides information on the applicability of drugs, interactions between drugs, and the entire National Institute of Pharmacy (OGYI) instructions for use can be viewed. The system fulfills the requirements related to the mandatory social insurance reports, as well as the requirements of the current relevant regulations. The system is constantly being developed in order to meet the needs of our users and the requirements of changing regulations.